Monday, January 18, 2010

Brooks's First Basketball Game!

The breakaway!

Snow Tunnells!

Brooks and I had a blast making our huge snow tunnell!

Brooks's Robe!

He was insisting his monkey robe still fit him. Obviously he is well out of 5T! LOL

Friday, January 01, 2010

Blizzard 2009!!

Sweet Pea's Tree!

Maddy would stick her WHOLE head in the snow and sniff around. Then she would raise up and shake all of the snow off! It was hilarious!

Maddy "catching" snowballs! LOL

Christmas at home!

Realizing the "net" meant he was getting a basketball goal!

Mommy got a 24" computer screen to help make work easier!
Daddy got mud flaps for his truck!

Our sweet babies!

Maddy got Scooby snacks!

The boys and their baseball book!

His FAVORITE present! Miniature football helmets for each of the Big XII teams!

We bought these for Josh at Costco one day and Brooks wanted to give them to him for Christmas!

Maddy and one of her presents! :-)

The presents Brooks bought for us. He made us open them before anything else because he was so proud of them!

Checking out the stocking!