Sunday, May 14, 2006

Daddy helps me dunk!!

Playin' B-ball!!

I'm a future superstar!!

We went out to The Legends this week. It is a new shopping center out by Nebraska Furniture Mart. It is so neat! It has a Nike and Adidas outlet, Carters, Osh Kosh, Banana Republic, Gap, etc. Very fun!!


This is a new dinosaur eatery! It has a three story T-rex inside!!

See my puppy backback! The tail is actually a leash so I don't get lost at big, public places!

BLJ taking a rare moment to sit!

Running. . . as always! One of the workers are Finish Line said I was going to be a track star!!

Bumper cars!

My buddy Jenna! We switched cars!

Checkout my bike helmet!!

Jenna and me horsin' around in our bike helmets!!

Even mommy's car got watered!!

Looks like the sidewalk should grow well!!

Watering the sidewalk!!

Watering the tree!!

Watering the bushes!

Watering everything!!

Baby blues!

Being sneaky!

I love driving Pop Pop's truck! I expecially like honking the horn!!

I had my work gloves and goggle on ready to work!


Look at that determination!!

What's so funny?!?!?

Like father, like son

WWF Round 1

WWF Round 2

WWF Round 3

WWF Round 4

WWF Round 5

Life is good. . .Brooks has his sippy of milk and Jack has his thumb! Jack came over and hung out with us one Friday night and this is how Mommy found us when she came downstairs!

Riding my tricycle!