Sunday, August 21, 2005

I decided to throw all Mommy's school books down the stairs one by one!!

I made a heck of a mess!

Daddy and me with his trophies! Mommy is so excited to have more trophies to display aorund the house! :-)

Daddy with his teammates!!

Daddy made the MVP team! I was really proud of him!

Lainey I can wash my own hair! I don't need your help!!!

Lainey and me gettin' clean!

Sharing toys in the tub!!

BLJ What a sweetie!!

Hey guys!!

My devilish grin!!


Let me think. . . .

This is me with my friend Carson. He is five months old! We will go to school together! :-)

"Here Carson, let me show you how!"

Sunday, August 14, 2005

My favorite game! Throwing my fire truck down the stairs and then laughing my head off!!

The whole Jahnke family!!

That was really fun!!!

Making a complete mess!!

Time for a bath! Actually I needed three !!

Mom had posted LOTS of cake pictures! I think she went a little crazy!!

Worn out after all that fun!!

Jackson would sure like to try some!!



Using the shop-vac to clean up!

Dad don't vacuum my hair!!

I think I destroyed it all!!

The aftermath!!

Mom tried to get a kiss!

Checkout the floor!!


Hi everybody!!

Is this pure joy or what?!?!?

Messy little boy!!

He He He!!!!

Both hands!!

I about have it all destroyed!

Devilish grin!!

This is really fun!!

"Here, would you like some?"


Ahhh! This feels funny!


I think I like this!!

Everyone is watching me!! What should I do?!?!?


Hi five!

Finally getting a little on my face!

Just starting out!