Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Brooks had his achievement night Tuesday!
He received the "Little Teacher" award because
he would always report everything that happened
when Miss Shannon was out of the room. That
is definitely Brooks! :-) (Josh didn't get
the memo that it was "wear green" night! Ha ha!)

Maddy is such a good girl! Brooks gets upset if she gets
in the van first when we are going somewhere, so even though
she gets really excited to go somewhere, she will stand outside
the van with her tail wagging, and wait for Brooks to
get in first. Sweet girl!!!

Brooks enjoying the sprinkler!!

Our new car!!! Wahoo!

Mommy's Mother's Day present was the new
light in the dining room!

Yes, Daddy dug this whole pond!!!!
Brooks loves his fish!!

One of Daddy's cool trees!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Yes, your eyes are seeing this! In 3 1/2 years
of life Brooks has never fallen asleep outside of his bedroom!
Okay, maybe when he was a newborn, but not since!!!
He was so worn out the other day, he was watching
a TV show and we looked over to find this.
What a sweetie!!!

Lovable little boys!!!
They were playing hide and seek with me!
So cute!!

The first three pics are the sunset one evening. The
last two are from one of our recent storms.