My B-day present! I have been wanting a mother's ring from for so long. I was waiting until I was done with kids because I couldn't add to the intertwined ones. However, I decided there is no time like the present. I wanted to involve Sweet Pea somehow, but couldn't decide how to do it. I thought about getting the intertwined ones and just leaving one blank for the baby. I didn't want to put anything on it because I didn't want it to be something sad. If it was blank I would know what it meant but I wouldn't have to explain the ring everytime. Well they recently added these birthstone rings and I figured out exactly what I wanted to do. My ring has Brooks' name on it (obviously) and has Sweet Pea's birthstone. I love that the little sparkle reminds me of what I have lost and the name reminds me to be grateful of what I still have!!

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