Sunday, September 30, 2007

Brooks Riding His Tigger Bike!!

Click the link to see big boy B!
Brooks and his new Tigger bike (that Mommy got for 6 bucks
because it was 90% off)! He is so proud of himself in this
first picture!

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We went to Fritz's (the choo choo place) with
Ryan and his Mommy and Daddy. They are
our neighbors.
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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Like Father, Like Son!

Brooks and Daddy mowing the lawn!! Click on the link to see the video!

These pictures are adorable!!!

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Brooks being a goofball!

Yummy. . . corn on the cob!!

This is how B came home from school one day!
The red (which was all over his shirts, legs, socks,
and shoes) was from birthday treats another
kiddo had. The green was finger painting
(they were mixing colors). This is a sign
of a great day in the life of a three year old!

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Our own little before and after! (Nothing too big,
we just painted the door and shutters.) Bad thing is
we aren't even sure we like it!

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Brooks watching the motorcycles!
In awe at the hundreds of motorcycles!

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Patiently watching Lainey open her presents!

Grandma trying to her all the kiddos!
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Playing on the Jumper at Lainey's 4th B-day!

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Mean Uncle Josh!!

Reluctantly sharing our snack!
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Lainey and Brooks

Showing us how they can do the crab walk!

All the grandkids dancing on the Chucky Cheese stage!

Brooks giving Chucky a hug!
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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Our friend Kiki's family had extra K-State tixs this
weekend and we got to go to the game.
Brooks had a great time, but as you can see
he wasn't too thrilled to be taking a family picture!
His favorite part was the Willie growl that
plays over the PA system.

K-State's kicker is Brooks Rossman. Little Brooks
loved hearing his name on the PA system.
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