Monday, March 13, 2006

Jack and Brooks took a bubble bath tonight at Mimi and Pop Pop's. They had a blast!!!

Best buds!

Oh we are having such a great time!

What do you think of my new outfit??

Having SO much fun together!

This is Brooks' undecover look!

Hey Jack, Let's see who can get the most water on the walls!

Swingin' with Pop Pop!

Daddy's pretty amaryllis is blooming!

What a cute crooked smile!


Mr. Ornery!!

Being silly. . .as always!

Just chillin' with Elmo

Tellin Elmo all about my day! Normally I never sit down like this but I was getting very sleepy!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Grandma and Grandpa got me some Crayola water coloring tablets! As you cna see in the latter pictures, I am not to sure about them!

I love my new light up fish!

Hi fish!

I DO NOT like change!

I am not too sure about this colored water!

Mommy and Daddy said this picture proves that I am the cutest little one in the world!!!

Run away "banana"dit!!

This is my favorite thins to buy at the store!

This bull was touring Wal-Mart when we went shopping tonight. Brooks was not too sure about it?!?!?

Hmmm. . . interesting taste!

How does this taste??

Look what I got!! Hands full of hail!!

Hmm. . . let's see what this stuff is?!?!


Yes. Mommy and Daddy BOTH got hail damage on their cars!

Wow! What is this?!?

Brooks saw this at Grandma and Grandpa's and carried it out to us saying. "Cat, Cat, Cat!!"

At least he shares well!! :-)

What happened here?!?!

Brooks sure was proud of his work!

This is what we get for turning around for two seconds!

So innocent!

Maddy looks quite amused!!


Our two kiddos!

What do you want?!?!?

See, it's right here!!

Studying hard!

I love to "read" books!

Let me see Lai Lai!!

Lainey and Brooks are great buddies!

Daddy said I had to bust a sag if I was going to listen to this kind of music!

Brooks loves to dance, especially to rap and R&B music!

Brooks stickin' his hip out!

Swing it to the right!