Saturday, November 26, 2005

This was my favorite part of the day!!!

I loved steering the wheel!!

Brooks was really excited and wanted to tell all of us about it (as you can see by the expression on his face)!!

The boys had a blast playing on the tractor!!

We finally picked a tree! here I am in awe of the chainsaw!!

Ready for the hayrack ride!!

Mommy was so afraid I would get lost!!

These all kind of look the same!!

I think this one looks good!

Hmmmm. . .which one do I want???

The Tibbetts family shopping for Christmas trees! The boys LOVED the hayrack ride!!

Ready for my big adventure!!


Such a big boy!!

I love Maddy!!

Playing/bothering Maddy! She is such a good sport about it!!

What an innocent look?!?!?

Such a great helper!

I helped PopPop and Dad install the new fridge!!

The band showing their appreciation for Coach Snyder! They spelled out Snyder at halftime too!!

We won!!! It was such an awesome game!!!

Mommy and Aunt Tiff at the game!

Coach Snyder helped to make Mommy's college years memorable too!!

One of the last huddles with Coach Snyder!!

What great seats we had!!

Mommy's brick finally got in on the senior sidewalk!

The four (soon to be five) Jahnke grandkids!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Yes our Moms made us do this! Yes they will blackmail us with the pictures when we are older! But darn, we sure are cute now!!

Jack looking so cute and Brooks looking not so sure!!

Have you heard the one about the purple dragon and the chicken?!?!?

Cute cousins!!

Just a little timid. . . .

Such a cute picture!!

BLJ as the Flying Purple dragon

This was the official "we're done" signal! Jack just layed down and sucked hiw thumb and Brooks wouldn't even look at us!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Mom forgot to post this picture. I was trying SO hard to help type in Elmo's information!!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

You may wonder what these next few pictures of me are?!?!? Daddy's car has holes in the headrests so Mommy and I play peek-a-boo through the headrest. That tan part you are seeing is the headrest! I am such a ham!!!

Am I ornery or what?!?!?!

He He He!!!


Introducing Elmo Jahnke! I made him at Build-a-Bear!

Hey Mom, let me help!!

I even gave Elmo a bath and flulffed him up!

My very own Elmo!

He feels just right!!

How long 'til I can hold Elmo?!?!?

Brooks was a little timid through the whole process!

We picked out a heart for me and then Mom and Dad each warmed one up and put it in! :-) So Elmo had 3 hearts!!

Mommy helped put the stuffing in!

I LOVED watching Elmo get stuffed!